Today I would like to discuss the subject of BP Oil Claims and about the people who are making false claims. First off, I would like to say this whole ordeal in which is currently going on with the oil spill is a truly a major disaster. Louisianas' coastline and eecosystem has taken severe significant amounts of damage from the spill. The seafood industry down here is also at a loss, not a total loss, but it's falling short. The seafood isn't as thriving and plentiful as it was, and prices are higher.
Since the oil spill and it's after effects, there has been lost wages from jobs that were cut; lost wages meaning, since the seafood industy has been tainted the fisherman can't harvest the shrimp, oysters, and other fish that is needed to make a living. Here's where the domino affect takes place. Now with that being said and the loss that the fisherman took. The seafood markets are affected. When the seafood markets effected, the restaurants are affected. Then the consumer is effected and to think about all this. It was all created from the BP oil spill. Sounds Crazy huh? It's the truth.
Now onto the subject of false claims. We all heard about how you can make a BP claim if you were effected by the spill. Note how it's stated, "If you were effected." This means that if you suffered a loss in wages because you can't run your fishing business, market seafood, or serve seafood in your restaurant, you can make a claim from BP. Now if you didn't suffer a loss then the right thing is, is that you can't make a claim for something that didn't occur to a person. There is a ton of people that are making false claims and actually getting checks. The people that I talked to that weren't affected and still received a check say' "They sent me a check so it's all good." no! It's not all good. Tell me if I'm wrong, but don't you people think that since the spill is so intricate and tremendous, that BP doesn't have the time to sort through who really needs the check or who doesn't. Hard working individuals that have to provide for their families need the money now to survive so why would BP ask questions about who needs the money truthfully. BP is handling what is needed to fix this, and it's a shame how people who werent affected are going to sit there and take advantage of this. You will have to pay it back just like the people who cheated FEMA/ Road Home program dealing with Hurricane Katrina are. The money isn't your's for grabs. Doesn't anybody have any morals and respect for what's right anymore? Where do we stand as forthright honest people? I just had to write something. This is a good topic.